How to fill out your NID application

Guide to answering the three questions in your NID application

1 November 2024

Questions in your NID application

Question 1

Why have you chosen NID's Design Programme?

Question 2

How do you think this course will help your academic plans and/or career ambition?

Question 3

Please write a brief statement about yourself including details of your interests, hobbies, etc.

All three questions are aimed at understanding how you discovered your interest in Design, why do you want to pursue Design, what do you want to do in Design, and how has your journey into Design been so far. 

Let’s look at how you can answer these questions in the best way possible -

Sanjay Reddy

Award Winning Designer | Author | Mentor | Podcaster | Founder

Designer by passion, Mentor moved by compassion, and a Podcaster driven by curiosity

Sanjay founded Redtin Studio, where he dabbles with Brand Strategy and Visual Storytelling.
To mentor design aspirants in India, Sanjay started Designex Studio and created a significant impact by
facilitating aspirants to secure top ranks and admissions in NID, IITs, and NIFT.
He is in the Top 1% Design mentors globally.

To create awareness about the field of Design in India through digital media,
Sanjay started D Talks - The Design Podcast. It has now become a source of knowledge
for the design community. It is featured in the Top 10 design podcasts in India.

He also co-founded Designland, a thriving community of designers in India.

Top 1% Design Mentors (Global, ADPList)
Eenadu Newspaper
ETV News Channel
TV9 News Channel
Right Brained Human Newsletter
Spotify LevelUp Program (Podcast)
Voice of Anchor (Podcast)
Creative Gaga (Issue #49)
Indian Design Society (Podcast)
Indiefolio Network Blog
Kommuneity Newsletter
The interview Portal
Top 10 Illustrators in India
Top 10 Indian Design Podcasts

Design Talks
Research & Innovation Park, IIT Delhi
Department of Design, IIT Hyderabad
Figma Config, Hyderabad
MIT Pune
Pearl Academy Mumbai
Postman, Bangalore
Design Panel Discussion, ADPList BeMore Design Festival
Design workshop, Avantika University
Jury Member, Uttar Pradesh Institute of Design

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